Rinoplastica in

Ospedale Memorial Bahcelievler a Istanbul, Turchia.
Perché andare in Turchia per una rinoplastica?
Il numero di pazienti che decidono di andare in Turchia per una rinoplastica aumenta di anno in anno. La Turchia è infatti la patria di medici rinomati, che eseguono trattamenti dagli alti standard qualitativi e a prezzi accessibili. La combinazione di questi fattori è ciò che rende il paese una meta molto popolare tra quanti decidono di andare all’estero per sottoporsi a un intervento chirurgico.
Andare in Turchia per un intervento di chirurgia plastica, per quanto possa essere comune, può risultare una decisione difficile ancora per molti. Per questo motivo le cliniche offrono spesso pacchetti all-inclusive, che facilitano l’esperienza dei pazienti internazionali.
I chirurghi Turchi specializzati in rinoplastica sono riconosciuti in tutta Europa come i migliori della categoria. Molti di loro hanno infatti ricevuto certificazioni dall’European Board of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (EBOPRAS).
La Turchia viene scelta anche perché è facile da raggiungere: i prezzi dei voli sono molto economici e ai cittadini italiani non è richiesto un visto per soggiorni di breve durata (inferiore a 90 giorni). Per maggiori informazioni consultare il sito del Ministero degli Affari Esteri.
Find the Right Rhinoplasty Specialist at a Fraction of the Cost
Qunomedical only lists rhinoplasty clinics and doctors that have been thoroughly vetted with quality and affordability in mind. Contact us for your 100% free, non-binding assessment.
What distinguishes Turkish nose specialists?
The renowned doctors for rhinoplasty in Turkey with whom Qunomedical works are among the best in their field. Each one has an impressive range of experience and has undergone extensive training. They also operate with the latest techniques and technologies.
Many of them - like Dr Bektas at GOP Hospital or Prof Orhan at Memorial Bahcelievler have an international reputation through organisations such as the European Board of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (EBOPRAS). Turkey also has some of the most modern medical facilities in Europe.
Of course, it is not always easy for the layman to recognise the real experts among the numerous self-proclaimed ‘nose specialists’ who lack experience. There are some doctors who try to benefit from the lucrative medical tourism market but don’t offer the same level of expertise. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you do not book your treatment directly with a clinic, but trust Qunomedical to make sure you’re seen by a trustworthy specialist. We guarantee you the best treatment and extensive support along your journey at no extra charge.
Rhinoplasty costs in Turkey
The cost of plastic surgery in general is much lower in Turkey than it is in other European countries. This is thanks to the country’s strong medical infrastructure, which has provided itself as a hub for medical tourism. Turkey continues to entice more patients from abroad with its low-priced procedures that do not compromise on quality. This also prompts clinics to adopt a package-based pricing system, where seeing a qualified professional includes the practicalities of accommodation and ground transportation.
This advantage also applies when getting a nose job. Turkey rhinoplasty packages make it a really great-value destination where you can achieve your look without having to spend a fortune.
Should I get a rhinoplasty in Turkey?
Our patients constantly confirm with their reviews that a nose operation in Turkey is a decision they’re glad they made. This is thanks to both the skill of Turkish clinics and the fact that they are so experienced in looking after international patients. Those we work with have staff and doctors that speak English, with interpreters on-hand to assist with other languages too.
All-inclusive packages ensure that the treatment costs are already fixed before the start of the trip. Getting to Turkey is also uncomplicated, with budget airlines flying into various Turkish cities several times a day from most major airports in Europe. This means the flight fares won’t add a major cost to what you pay overall.
Can I also travel to Turkey for treatment alone as a woman?
Qunomedical works exclusively with clinics in Turkey that have adapted their service 100% to the needs of foreign patients, offering a safe and efficient service to everyone. Your personal driver will already be waiting for you at the airport when you land, and will be there throughout your entire trip whenever you need to be driven between the hotel and clinic.
Furthermore, patients on a medical treatment trip to Turkey are in the best company, because there will most likely be many other medical travellers on your flight and also in your hotel. Patients often tell us that they quickly made friends with other patients they met out there, making their time in Turkey a lot more entertaining and pleasant.
Why book through Qunomedical?
Qunomedical only works with outstanding clinics, which we select based on very strict criteria, which incorporate both the medical standards and the all-round care of the patients on-site.
Based on our vetting specifications (Qunoscore) and patient feedback about their experience at the clinic, we regularly get comprehensive impressions of the quality of our partner clinics. If there are doubts about certain aspects of the service, our employees do not shy away from addressing these directly with the clinic management.
Ne vale la pena?
Si! Considerando le +500 recensioni positive dei pazienti
Quanto costa?
A partire da 2.380€
È necessario un visto?
Per andare in Turchia basta esibire la propria carta d'identità. Il visto è richiesto solo per soggiorni che superano i 90 giorni. Per maggiori informazioni consultare il sito del Ministero degli Affari Esteri.
Perché scegliere Qunomedical?
Consulto e preventivo 100% gratuiti e non vincolanti
Dottori e cliniche altamente qualificati
Pacchetti personalizzati che includono alloggio, prelievo dall'aeroporto e trasferimenti da e per la clinica
Pazienti Soddisfatti
Assistenza Pazienti
Pianificare una rinoplastica in Turchia
La Turchia rientra tra i paesi migliori dove fare una rinoplastica per la sua combinazione di medici qualificati e strutture all’avanguardia. Questi sono dei fattori che ogni anno attraggono sempre più pazienti.
Quando si parla di medici e cliniche certificati, sorge spontanea una domanda, ossia: quanto costa una rinoplastica in Turchia? Nella tabella che segue, abbiamo confrontato il prezzo di partenza per una rinoplastica in Turchia con i prezzi di altri paesi. Non si tratta di prezzi fissi, poiché potrebbero variare per specifico caso.
Paese | Prezzo (EUR €) |
Turchia | 2.380€ |
Repubblica Ceca | 2.950€ |
Croazia | 3.350€ |
Lituania | 3.420€ |
Polonia | 3.950€ |
Germania | 4.500€ |
Regno Unito | 6.000€ |
What do all-inclusive packages for a rhinoplasty include?
The Turkish clinics often offer so-called all-inclusive packages for a nose job. Due to the pure amount of international patients, the clinics have partnerships with hotels and transport service providers, where they get discounts.
This means that you can safe money, because in addition to the actual treatment costs of the hospital, almost all other costs are included in treatment packages:
treatment costs
Transfers between airport, clinic and hotel
Hotel accommodation (often 5-star and almost always with breakfast)
Telephone number of the patient manager of the clinic with a 24/7 availability
So you don't have to worry about anything.
The only thing nobody can do for you is deciding where to buy your lunch and dinner from the many restaurants on offer, and here you are - "unfortunately" - spoiled for choice in a large Turkish city.
What Factors Influence the Cost of a Rhinoplasty in Turkey?
As can be seen from the table, when it comes to rhinoplasty, Turkey, price-wise, ranks very well. And whilst the costs are usually always significantly cheaper than in the UK, this doesn’t necessarily mean that the quality of treatment is lower. There are important factors that contribute towards the low rhinoplasty costs in Turkey and it’s important to be aware of these before booking your treatment.
Affordable living and labour costs: Cheap nose job prices in Turkey primarily stem from the lower living and labour costs in the country in comparison to the UK. This — combined with a large healthcare workforce — allows Turkish clinics to offer the same high-quality treatment, at a reduced price.
Type of rhinoplasty: Nose job costs in Turkey can vary depending on the type of rhinoplasty that you undergo. Complex surgeries — like reconstructive rhinoplasty — can be more expensive than more straightforward procedures such as a refinement rhinoplasty.
Rinoplastica in Turchia: Scegli il tuo medico
Trovare il medico giusto per il tuo trattamento può risultare stressante. Per questo motivo Qunomedical preseleziona rigorosamente sia cliniche che medici. Grazie al nostro sistema di punteggio imparziale Qunoscore, medici e tecnici di tutto il mondo sono valutati sulla base di fattori come la loro esperienza, specializzazione e recensioni dei pazienti. In questo modo ci assicuriamo di consigliarti solo medici qualificati che ti possono garantire una rinoplastica di qualità.
Cliniche popolari per una rinoplastica in Turchia
Anche le cliniche consigliate da Qunomedical sono state accuratamente preselezionate e verificate dal nostro Consiglio Medico. Utilizziamo un accurato processo di selezione e controllo delle cliniche, analizzando in dettaglio fattori come il personale, il rapporto qualità-prezzo, i servizi offerti, gli accreditamenti internazionali e le recensioni dei pazienti. In questo modo ci assicuriamo di consigliarti solo cliniche che soddisfano standard qualitativi elevati.
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