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  • El mejor país para un trasplante capilar

El mejor país para un trasplante capilar

Make an informed choice by discovering the best countries for a hair transplant.
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Averiguar qué país es mejor para un trasplante capilar puede ser complicado. Investigar en línea puede brindar mucha información contradictoria. Con los trasplantes de cabello cada vez más populares y fáciles de obtener, muchas más personas viajan al extranjero para encontrar el mejor médico y el precio más asequible.

Pero, ¿cómo encuentras el mejor lugar para el trasplante de cabello? Qunomedical ha compilado una lista de los mejores países para un trasplante capilar según precio, calidad y popularidad. Somos una empresa independiente que ayuda a cerrar la brecha entre los pacientes y encontrar el médico adecuado. Nuestra información está aprobada por nuestra Junta Médica, nuestra extensa guía de costos de trasplante de cabello y reseñas de pacientes reales de trasplante de cabello.

Descubra qué país es mejor para un trasplante de cabello a continuación.

1. Turquía

Si ha estado pensando en un tratamiento de restauración del cabello durante un tiempo, no le ha de extrañar que Turquía sea uno de los mejores países para un trasplante de cabello. Más de 20.000 viajeros aterrizan en Turquía cada año para recibir tratamiento, por una calidad tan buena o incluso mejor que la que encontrarían en casa. Para 2000 injertos con un procedimiento de trasplante de cabello FUE, estaría mirando precios a partir de 1.950 €, mucho menos de lo que pagaría en España.

Turquía también es una opción popular entre los pacientes, gracias a sus hoteles de lujo, paquetes de tratamiento competitivos y, bueno, ¿a quién no le gustaría relajarse y recuperarse en la histórica y hermosa ciudad de Estambul?

Hogar de algunos de los médicos de trasplante de cabello más respetados del mundo, como el Dr. Erdogan de Smile Hair Clinic y el Dr. Cinik, Turquía es claramente el primer lugar para los trasplantes de cabello.

2. Polonia

Una de las principales respuestas a la pregunta “¿Cuál es el mejor país para trasplante capilar?” es siempre Polonia. Su sistema sanitario se ha convertido en uno de los principales proveedores europeos de servicios de calidad y tecnología médica avanzada. Y, gracias a que Polonia aún no se ha convertido en parte de la eurozona, el precio de un trasplante de cabello es increíblemente bajo en comparación con la alta calidad de sus médicos.

Puede esperar pagar alrededor de 2.900 € en Polonia con algunas clínicas que ofrecen paquetes incluso más baratos con hotel y chofer incluidos. Si vuela desde España, muchas aerolíneas de bajo costo ofrecen muchos vuelos asequibles.

Eamon fue con el Dr. Borejsza para su trasplante de cabello, lea su experiencia aquí.

3. Hungría

Si ha estado pensando en someterse a un trasplante de cabello durante un tiempo, es posible que haya escuchado que Hungría es un gran lugar para conseguir uno. Hungría es un país hermoso que se beneficia de ciudades increíbles como Budapest, así como de un bajo costo de vida y una excelente variedad de paquetes de trasplante de cabello para elegir. El Global Medicine Center tiene una reputación fantástica por los trasplantes de cabello exitosos, y muchos de los especialistas tienen más de 10 años de experiencia y múltiples cirugías en su haber.

4. Tailandia

Uno de los beneficios de someterse a un trasplante de cabello en Tailandia es que puede ampliar su viaje a unas vacaciones de lujo. Muchos pacientes de EE. UU., Australia y el Reino Unido viajan a Tailandia cada año para beneficiarse de los numerosos médicos que realizan cirugías de alta calidad por una fracción del precio que pagarían en casa. La Clínica Hairsmith en Bangkok es la residencia de la Dra. Prima Tossabovern, una especialista en trasplante de cabello certificado por la respetada Junta Americana de Cirugía de Restauración del Cabello (ABHRS).

5. Alemania

Alemania es conocida por tener una de las mejores y más avanzadas tecnologías en el campo de la medicina. Los trasplantes de cabello no son una excepción, con clínicas como My Perfect Hair en Berlín que dominan le técnica FUE y la cirugía robótica de trasplante de cabello (ARTAS). Incluso con este estándar increíblemente alto, Alemania no es un país caro para los trasplantes de cabello. Un tratamiento le costaría alrededor de 3.000 €, todavía menos de la mitad de lo que normalmente pagaría en EE. UU., Reino Unido o Irlanda.

6. México

Según la Sociedad Internacional de Cirugía de Restauración del Cabello, México es uno de los destinos más populares para los procedimientos de trasplante de cabello. Gracias a su sólida infraestructura de salud y bajos costos, México es un gran destino para los pacientes estadounidenses y canadienses, así como para los pacientes que buscan una experiencia de vacaciones junto con su tratamiento. Qunomedical siempre examina las clínicas y los médicos, trabaja con un estricto procedimiento de investigación para garantizar que solo nos asociamos con instalaciones de alta calidad. Lugares como la clínica Hair Medical Restoration en Tijuana son expertos en los métodos FUE y FUT.

7. India

Más de 200.000 pacientes se dirigen a la India para recibir tratamiento médico, un testimonio de los altos estándares y la reputación del país por su excelente atención médica. También ayuda el hecho de que pagará aproximadamente un 80% menos por un trasplante de cabello que en su país de origen, sin comprometer la calidad. Cuando esté pensando en qué país es mejor para un trasplante de cabello, es importante considerar las acreditaciones y los elogios que han recibido las clínicas. La Clínica Dermalife en Nueva Delhi, el vibrante corazón moderno de la India, está dirigida por el Dr. Garg, miembro de la prestigiosa Sociedad Internacional de Cirujanos de Resurrección del Cabello y la Academia Europea de Dermatología, lo que lo convierte en uno de los especialistas más reconocidos en toda la India.

8. Malasia

Gente de todo el mundo visita Malasia para recibir tratamiento. Por eso es considerado uno de los mejores países para un trasplante de cabello. Dado que la mayoría de los trasplantes de cabello solo toman de 1 a 3 días, muchos pacientes disfrutan de la cirugía entre unas vacaciones de lujo en este país mágico. Con trasplantes de cabello a partir de 1.100 €, Nathan Skin & Hair Transplant Centre es muy popular. Está dirigido por uno de los médicos más galardonados, el Dr. Ruben, que tiene varias acreditaciones de respetados consejos médicos.

9. Reino Unido

Mientras que algunas personas prefieren viajar más lejos para recibir tratamiento médico, otras optan por ir más cerca de casa. Los residentes del Reino Unido pueden pensar que recibir tratamiento local es más importante. El Reino Unido cuenta con excelentes centros médicos que se especializan en trasplantes y restauración de cabello. La Skin Follicle Clinic en Birmingham ha realizado muchos trasplantes de cabello FUE, FUT y ARTAS a lo largo de los años con el competente Dr. Soueid a la cabeza. 

¿Cómo elijo cuál es el mejor país para un trasplante capilar?

Como puede ver, hay muchas opciones diferentes para las personas que buscan restaurar su cabello. Al final del día, lo más importante es que usted, como paciente, se sienta atendido, reciba el mejor tratamiento médico y esté satisfecho con el precio. La cirugía de trasplante de cabello es una decisión increíblemente personal, razón por la cual se fundó Qunomedical, para brindar a todos las mejores opciones disponibles, independientemente de sus posibilidades. Conéctese con uno de nuestros agentes de salud personal y le brindaremos la mejor información para que pueda tomar una decisión informada y exitosa.

How We Choose the Best Countries for Hair Transplant Surgery

Qunomedical has compiled a list according to price, quality, and popularity. We’re an independent company that helps bridge the gap between patients and finding the right doctor. Our information is approved by our medical board, our extensive hair transplant cost guide, and real-life reviews from hair transplant patients. Just remember that everyone has unique needs.

With factors like the different surgical methods, stages of baldness amongst patients, and graft extraction required, it's not about trying to find the best hair transplant clinic in the world, but a reputable one that can accommodate your requirements.

Dermatologist checking receeding hair

What Is the Best Place for a Hair Transplant?

As we look into the various best countries for hair transplant surgery, it’s also worth bearing in mind some extra factors that will end up refining your decision further, once you’re settled on where you want to fly to. Of course, there is no perfect clinic that monopolises with the best hair transplant in the world, rather there are a great many surgeons offering a wealth of different skills and techniques. That’s why it’s important to remember that the ‘best’ hair transplant will be the one whose specifications suit your needs as an individual, which are the only criteria you should follow when making a medical decision.

Looking at reviews and recommendations, you’ll be able to narrow down some high-quality clinics; then, check their prices, familiarise yourself with their surgeons, and contemplate what your journey would look like to judge whether or not this is the place for you. At Qunomedical, we’ll help you through all such stages; the result is that patients find the best place for a hair transplant based purely on their own needs.

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2. Poland

When looking into the best countries for a hair transplant, Poland does always come up too. Its healthcare system has become one of the top European providers of quality service and advanced medical technology. And, thanks to Poland not yet becoming part of the Eurozone, the price for a hair transplant is incredibly low given the high qualification of its doctors. You can expect to pay around €3,500 in Poland with some clinics offering even cheaper package deals with hotels and drivers included. If you’re flying from the UK, lots of low-cost airlines provide many affordable flights per day.


  • Poland has a good reputation for plastic surgery in general, with many Polish surgeons specialising in hair transplantation too.

  • You'll be able to get high quality for a low price.

  • It's an easy, short journey to Poland for people in within the rest of Europe.


  • The choice of experienced professionals is not as big as in some other countries, like Turkey.

  • Temperatures in Poland can get very icy in the winter, which may put some people off.

Popular in Poland:

Dr. Borejsza is an independent surgeon whose skill of more than ten years in the field are on offer in his own clinic in southern Poland, not far from Katowice. With his trusted team, he runs his boutique practice with a hands-on approach, considering each patient personally and involving himself completely in every procedure. This is where our patient Eamon went for his hair transplant; read about his experience here.

hair transplant patient checking the transplanted area

6. Germany

Germany has a world-renowned healthcare system, which is well known for having some of the most cutting-edge technology in medicine. Various state-of-the-art hospitals operate across the country and receive ample funding and support to make Germany an ongoing pioneer in medical innovation. This alone makes Germany a strong candidate as the best place for hair transplant surgery, since their plastic surgery ability is just as developed.


  • Travelling to Germany is easy from within Europe; the country has multiple international airports.

  • Most people speak English, often including hair surgeons who actively look to attract patients from abroad.

  • You'll be in the safety and comfort of one of the most advanced medical systems in the world.


  • The prices are generally higher compared with countries to the East, though still lower than countries like the UK, USA and Ireland.

Your Hair Transplant in Germany:

Novo Hair Clinic and First Hair Clinic are among the top choices for hair transplantation in Germany, known for their high standards, advanced techniques, and personalized patient care. These clinics specialize in state-of-the-art procedures, ensuring natural results with the latest technology in hair restoration.

7. Mexico

According to the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery, Mexico is one of the most popular destinations for hair transplant procedures. Thanks to its strong health infrastructure and low costs, you'll easily find the best hair transplant doctor that can suit your needs and budget in Mexico.

For US and Canadian patients it's especially convenient to reach, not to mention the cheapest country for hair transplant surgery on their continent. But wherever they come from, patients looking for a holiday experience alongside their treatment should consider Mexico.


  • Even the clinic offering the best hair transplant in Mexico will not charge half as much as in most other countries.

  • You can choose from an array of top-quality clinics run by experienced, highly rated professionals.

  • Mexico lists over 60 countries whose citizens don't need a visa for a stay of up to 180 days, including most European countries and the USA.


  • Mexico can be hot and humid, which some patients may not like.

  • For Europeans, the flight can take around 12 hours or more, plus you may need to get a connecting flight, depending on which city you fly into.

Recommended in Mexico:

Qunomedical always vets the clinics and doctors it works with through a strict procedure, to ensure we only partner with high-quality facilities. Places like the Hair Medical Restoration clinic or Capilar Hair Centre - both in Tijuana - are trusted clinics whose results speak for themselves. They specialise in the newest methods and back these up with the latest technology. Hair restauration experts like Dr Jorge Cortez or Dr Jimmy Cortez also speak English, which is why those clinics are especially popular with patients from abroad.

8. India

Over 200,000 patients head to India for medical treatment: a testament to the county's high standards and reputation for outstanding healthcare. India's private facilities are very advanced and well-equipped, with many doctors having undergone international training.

India is therefore also a safe and popular destination for hair transplantation. It also helps that you’ll be paying about 80% less for one than in a lot of other countries, without there being any compromise on quality.


  • Across the country, many large and modern hospital facilities with big teams of specialists offer the procedure.

  • You'll be visiting a country that is famous for its unique culture and stunning sights.


  • Not only is it a long flight from Europe and America, but you'll have to go through a fairly extensive visa application process beforehand.

  • The heat in summer can sometimes exceed 45 degrees celcius.

Where to Go in India:

It’s important when you’re thinking about which country is best for a hair transplant, to consider the accreditations and accolades clinics have. The Dermalife Clinic in New Delhi - the vibrant and modern heart of India - is run by Dr. Garg, a member of both the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery and the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, making him one of the most renowned specialists in the country; his results potentially rank him as offering the best hair transplant in India.

9. Malaysia

People come from all over the world to visit Malaysia for treatment, which is why it’s considered one of the best countries for a hair transplant. With most hair transplants only taking one to three days, many patients enjoy having their surgery between a luxury holiday in this magical country.


  • You'll have the chance to visit an amazing country. Malaysia's capital city, Kuala Lumpur, is a vibrant and bustling metropolis with lots to see and experience.

  • Nationals of many countries are exempt from visa requirements for stays of up to 90 days.

  • Malaysia has advanced medical care, so you can find a high-quality clinic and expect to pay far less for treatment.


  • Malaysia can also become very hot, which may not suit some patients.

  • Cities like Kuala Lumpur are very car-orientated. Although it also has good public transport, it is ultimately not a particularly pedestrianised place.

  • The flight from Europe and North America will exceed 10 hours, and visitors will need to get used to a drastic time difference.

10. UK

While some people prefer to travel further afield for medical treatment, others choose to stay closer to home. Some UK residents may think being treated locally is more important than finding the best hair transplant destination abroad. The UK has excellent medical centres that specialise in hair transplants and restoration. The Hair Transplant Group Clinic London has performed many FUE hair transplants over the years, with the capable Dr. Ali Havutcu at the helm.


  • For UK citizens who aren't willing to travel, there are plenty of high-quality options available at home.

  • Most of the reputable surgeons based in the UK have impressive records or international training and in-depth qualifications.

  • Strict medical regulation means you'll hardly ever find a low-quality clinic


  • Even if a clinic can offer the best hair transplant, UK pricing is always going to be much higher than in any of the aforementioned countries; on this list, it would rank last as the cheapest country for hair transplant surgery.

  • Availability of appointments may not be as flexible as in other countries.

Hair graft harvesting and transplanting process

Looking for the Best Hair Transplant in the World? Find the Best One for You - With Qunomedical

As you can see, there are many different options for people looking to restore their hair. At the end of the day, what’s most important is that you as a patient feel cared for, you get the best medical treatment, and you are happy with the price. Hair transplant surgery is an incredibly personal decision, which is one of the reasons why Qunomedical was founded: to give everyone the best options available, regardless of their background or specific needs. Connect with one of our patient managers and we can give you the best information to help you make an informed and accurate decision.

Book your hair transplant treatment with Qunomedical

  • Guaranteed price match

  • English and German support

  • Extra safety from EU company

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