Intrauterine Insemination
Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is a fertility treatment which aims to increase the chances of fertilization by injecting a sperm directly into a woman’s womb, in order to fertilise the egg.
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How the intrauterine insemination procedure works.
How the intrauterine insemination procedure works.
Intrauterine Insemination Quick Details
Couples who may have low sperm count.
Women who have problems with their cervical mucus or with cervical scar tissue.
Men with ejaculation dysfunction.
The first stage to reach ovulation takes around 14 days.
Egg maturation and removal then take around 2-4 days.
Insemination takes a few minutes.
There is no specific recovery time required. You can return home soon after the insemination.
The average fertilization rates vary between 10-20% .
Please note that the rates can be influenced by a variety of factors such as your age, the reason for your treatment, previous fertility treatments, your current health status and medical history.
Multiple pregnancies.
The fertilised egg may not develop into a pregnancy or may not go to full term.
Possible risk of infection.
Side effects of fertility medication such as mood swings, hot flashes, anxiety and stress.
Before / After Photos
How Does IUI Work?
Depending on whether or not you require fertility treatment, the first half of an IUI process is very similar to IVF or ICSI. Here are the steps of a typical IUI cycle:
If required, the woman will be prescribed fertility medication. This is done in order to maximise the egg production, so the maximum number of healthy eggs can be extracted. If you do not have to take these, you will follow your natural ovulation cycle and directly move to step 2.
A semen sample is collected from the man, which will then be prepared in the laboratory to separate the seminal fluid and the semen.
The next step is the insemination procedure, where the semen sample will be carefully injected into the woman’s womb using a catheter passed through the cervix. The process lasts a few minutes only and does not require any type of anaesthesia.
Implantation occurs around two weeks post insemination, and you will most likely undergo a pregnancy test around this time. Following this regular check-ins with your doctor are needed to monitor the pregnancy such as ultrasounds and blood tests.
What Should I Expect From This Procedure?
The most important step is to have an initial consultation with a specialist to talk about all possible options and discuss your medical history and your motivations for undergoing the procedure. IUI is often less expensive than IVF or ICSI, and less invasive as well. But, as with any fertility treatment a successful pregnancy is not guaranteed. As the treatment is very personal and emotional, and it is understandable to be stressed out or feel anxious. Try spending as much time as possible with your loved ones, participate in activities that relax you and keep up a healthy routine. Lastly, the pregnancy/success rates vary and are highly influenced by health factors, age and medical history. Do not give up hope if you are not successful with IUI, there are many other treatments possible.

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