Hip Dips - What's All The Fuss About?
Hp dips: some people have them, some don't. The term 'hip dips', meaning the dents on the outer side of the legs between the hip bone and the thigh, has only become popular in recent years thanks to social media. Many women are bothered by the slight indentations on the hip and look for ways of how to get rid of hip dips entirely. But is this possible or worth it?
Every body is unique. We have our differing external appearances like hair, eye colour or facial features, but our bone structure is also different, which is partly what causes hip dips to potentially occur. That means some people will be more anatomically predisposed to getting hip dips. Interestingly, body weight does not play a role.
In this article, we would like to give you a detailed overview of what hip dips exactly are, how they occur and how to get rid of hip dips.
Are you looking to get rid of your hip dips? We'll find you an affordable professional to find a solution.
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What Are Hip Dips and How Can They Occur?
Hip dips are the visible inward curves of the hips between the pelvis and thigh. They can occur in both women and men, though men's narrower hip bones mean they're generally less prone to getting them. Depending on genetics and bone structure, you are more or less likely to have hip dips, and those who do get them may also do so to varying degrees; some may be quite subtle whereas some may be more extreme hip dips. How severely they occur depends on the shape of the pelvis.
But if you think that hip dips are necessarily a consequence of a poor diet or being overweight, you're wrong: although they can be more prominent due to a larger amount of body fat, they will ultimately be present regardless of weight. The best proof of this is that even fitness influencers with a very low body fat percentage can be seen to have hip dips, which is usually even emphasised by visibly toned muscle.

Are Hip Dips Bad?
The short answer is no. Whether more or less pronounced, hip dips are a completely normal part of a person's anatomy. The internet constantly suggests that there is something wrong with our bodies on a trend-basis: first 'love handles', then the 'thigh gap' and now hip dips - as soon as a new body trend emerges, every deviation is looked at critically and a 'cure' is sought. But hip dips are neither bad nor dangerous - the only thing the are is rather common.
What Is the Difference Between Hip Dips and Saddlebags?
A close relative of the hip dips are 'saddlebags'. These fat pads in the hip area can also contribute to the appearance of extreme hip dips if they are very pronounced. Since saddlebags (which are largely inherited) are caused by fat pads, a healthy diet and exercise can help to keep their appearance as reduced as possible.
However, if the fat deposits cannot be reduced by lifestyle changes, saddlebags on the legs can also be removed with liposuction.
Are you looking to get rid of your hip dips? We'll find you an affordable professional to find a solution.
Qunomedical only lists plastic surgery clinics and doctors that have been thoroughly vetted with quality and affordability in mind. Contact us for your 100% free, non-binding assessment.
How to Get Rid of Hip Dips
Hip dips can't just be magicked away. Nevertheless, there are various ways to reduce or get rid of your hip dips if you do find them undesirable:
Diet: if your hip dips are clearly visible due to pronounced fat deposits, a general weight reduction will usually reduce them as well. It is important to maintain a healthy diet and avoid going into a calorie deficit too quickly and severely.
Exercise: by exercising you can build muscle and lose fat at the same time. This gives you a double advantage: exercise not only reduces fat deposits in the hips, but can also help to reshape and redefine the entire area through targeted muscle building. However, you should bear in mind that hip dips are still going to be affected by bone anatomy. Here, targeted training can often only make a small difference.
Filling hip dips: if sport and diet are not enough to make the hip dips disappear, there is also the possibility of having them filled. This is a liposuctioning technique that involves taking your own fat from the abdomen or thigh area and injecting it into the dents in the hip area. The doctor will use fine cannulas for a precise procedure. During the treatment you will be sedated or anaesthetised to avoid pain. After the swelling has gone down, it takes about three months for the results to become visible, though they should then last for several years (depending on the amount of fat transferred).
What Are the Hip Dip Removal Costs?
If you are thinking about having your hip dips filled, you should definitely get detailed advice from your doctor beforehand. They can not only inform you about the procedure, risks and costs, but also discuss what your most realistic results would be.
The cost of hip dip removal varies from doctor to doctor. It also depends on the exact amount of fat that needs to be extracted. Most prices start at around €1,000 per side, but can quickly become much more expensive. €5,000 is therefore realistic - especially if the hip dips are filled with a supporting treatment like a lipofilling of the buttocks.
At Qunomedical, you can be sure that we only ever work with qualified medical experts. Our focus is on putting together a high-quality yet affordable treatment plan for you. Contact us so that we can also make your dream treatment come true!
Prevention (2022). 'What Are Hip Dips? Here’s Why They’re Totally Normal to Have' Last accessed 11.07.2023

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