What Is the Difference Between Composite and Porcelain Veneers?
Getting veneers is a way to restore the look of your teeth, especially if they are affected by discolouration or misalignment. However, the choice you would have to make is whether to get composite veneers, or to opt for the equally as popular porcelain veneers.
After shaving the front and sides of the tooth, dentists then bond a prosthetic layer to it, which replicates the original tooth without the discolouration, damage or misalignment that had previously affected it. Indeed, because veneers can provide a solution for such a range of issues, getting them is a popular choice of treatment.
Each veneer is individually made and the patient can choose how many they would like to have, which determines the time the procedure takes and the overall cost. In general, the price of veneers has become more affordable, especially if having them done abroad. Veneers can either be made in a dental lab or formed onto the teeth by the dentist there and then - this, along with how long they last for, depends on the material used: composite or porcelain.
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What are Composite Veneers?
Composite veneers are made from a special dental resin. Your dentist will shave down some of the outer enamel of the teeth and then apply the composite resin directly, sculpting it to fit naturally in your mouth. The resin is also coloured beforehand to match that of the rest of your teeth.
What are Porcelain Veneers?
Porcelain veneers are made in a dental laboratory according to the patient’s custom specifications, which the dentist initially identifies. Lab technicians will craft the veneers out of ceramic porcelain, using a variety of technologies and tools to achieve accuracy in both shape and colour. Once the dentist receives the finished veneers, they are cemented onto the teeth which will have been shaved down in the first session. Temporary veneers are fitted between the two appointments.
The Difference Between Composite and Porcelain Veneers
How long do they last?
One of the first things patients want to know before committing to the procedure is how long the veneers will actually last. Composite veneers last between five to 10 years whilst porcelain veneers have a durability of around 10 to 15 years. Why that is highlights a further difference: although it might make you think of delicate tea cups and saucers, porcelain is a much stronger material in the case of veneers - especially once they are cemented in place. Composite is also more vulnerable to chipping, plus, it’s likelier to stain over time. However, should any damage happen to your veneers, composites can be fixed as easily as they are applied, whereas a porcelain one will need replacing entirely.
How much do they cost?
That being said, another thing patients tend to consider first is the cost of veneers, in which case the composite option is considerably cheaper. The resin that is used, that they don’t require a dental lab, and the fact that it’s all done in one sitting are all price-affecting advantages that porcelain veneers don’t have. Though there are no universal prices to compare, composite veneers mostly cost hundreds less per tooth.
But that doesn’t mean porcelain veneers are unattainable. Ultimately, it comes down to the clinic you visit, as each is bound by various factors such as the experience of the dentist, the country it is located in, materials and methods used, etc. We’ve put together a handy cost guide that displays average costs in a few different countries that generally offer high quality for less.
Will they be noticeable?
Veneers’ main purpose is to look like natural teeth. When it comes to composite, an experienced professional is needed to make sure a natural-looking result is formed, since it is done by hand. With porcelain, lab technicians can employ advanced technology to create ultra-convincing components.
Though both can authentically mimic a toothy look, porcelain tends to win an upper hand, as the material just better emanates enamel’s translucency and texture.
Which ones are right for me?
Both have their pros and cons, but both may correct any cosmetic problems you might be having with your teeth. It can crudely be put down to time and money: whilst porcelain veneers take longer to fit, they will also last years longer before needing them replaced. You’re paying for that added durability when opting for porcelain over composite.
Always be sure to consult your dentist about what is best for you.
Make the Right Choice Between Composite and Porcelain Veneers with Qunomedical
We understand that it’s not easy being unsatisfied with the way your teeth look, but your confidence doesn’t have to be brought down by something that veneers can easily fix. We work with numerous clinics abroad that offer great value on exceptional dentistry. They’re always welcoming international patients because getting veneers abroad is far cheaper; countries like Turkey, Hungary and Croatia host modern, highly qualified clinics to accommodate their countries’ popularity in dentistry.
We’ve priced all our treatments as packages, meaning you can not only consider getting a set of composite or porcelain veneers for far less, but can enjoy the ease of having your accommodation and transfers booked under that price too. But we’ll start you off by helping you decide which treatment is best for you, and can then talk you through your options - get in touch with us; we’d love to help.

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